Healthcare belongs to all of us. Let’s recreate it together with more ease, joy, and success!

Check out the Inspired Healthcare Leader podcast!

Where I support front-line healthcare leaders to feel more ease, joy, and success by sharing ideas and concepts from personal development, organizational and complexity science, and human psychology.

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About Mara

Healthcare Leader, Consultant,
& Researcher

Throughout my career, my mission has been to support leaders to create human-centered work environments where healthcare teams thrive and patients receive the best care.

My Core Beliefs

  • I am deeply inspired by the dedication and commitment of the healthcare workforce.

  • When clinicians feel safe, heard, and fulfilled, patients receive the best care.

  • Leadership is required of everyone regardless of role.

  • If an organization isn’t changing, it’s stagnating or declining.

  • It takes courage to speak up; psychologically-safe environments are necessary for everyone’s voice to be heard.

  • Connecting to meaning and purpose is the antidote to burnout.